Sunday, December 31, 2017

My Top 10 Movies of 2017

Watching movies is pastime of mine when Ive got the time or budget to do so. It goes up there with surfing the internet, playing video games, watching anime and the likes. But I dont watch every movie out there unless its geek or otaku related or anywhere in between. But with that being said I did managed to watch over twelve movies this year. A lot of which are good, some not so much, then theres a few that makes me question why I went to watch it and what Im doing with my life.

Since my Blog is rather new I only managed to review or score those that Ive watched after my Blog was set up so there are a lot of movies that have yet to be reviewed on this Blog but that doesnt necessary mean I cannot make my Top 10 best movies from 2017 can I. Mind you this is my Top 10 movies. Movies that I really like. Im sure some of your favorite movies might not be on this list. But thats ok. We have our own favorites. With that thing cleared lets get to the Top 10 list.

10. Transformers the Last Knight

Its a good popcorn movie for the kids despite its thin plot story. The cgi fight scenes are a step up since its not as confusing as the previous movie of this franchise. Cogman is very funny in this one. It could have been higher on this list if not a for a lot of wasted potential Anthony Hopkin character and a back story that is not really explored. Not to mention a really thin plot you could squeeze in an episode of a Transformers cartoon.

9. Cars 3

Its nice to see Cars 3 going back to its roots which was about racing and not some spy flick with cars. The plot is good as well despite it seeming to deviate a little from the trailer itself. Its kind of a passing of the torch kind of story that both kids and adults alike will enjoy.

8. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 is everything would expect. Over the top action and comedy that ends up with the heroes saving the galaxy from some galaxy threat or another. Theres a decent plot and a little bit of feels wrap up in this as well so you can tell they are taking this movie seriously.

7. Justice League

A film that fans wanted and have build a lot of hype sicne before it has aired Justice League is a decent film that sadly falls apart due to a change of director and bad cgi. It still is very entertaining despite its flaws and somewhat rushed story plot.

You can check my review of the movie here: Justice League Movie Review

6. Rogue One: A Starwars Story

A movie that put the war in Starwars. The movie tries to bridge the gap between episode III and Episode IV of Starwars. it boast one of the most epic space battles since the original Starwars trilogy. Sadly since its a one shot movie it suffers from rushed undeveloped characters.

Check my review of the movie here: Rogue One: A Starwars Story Movie Review

5. Thor Ragnarok

Thor Ragnarok follows up the events from Thor the Dark World and went for a lighter adventurous route in story telling. It gave us the best female antagonist in Marvel movies yet. Its fast paced quirky and theres barely any bland moment in the film. Although seeing a tamed Hulk that doesnt go smashing everything at a drop of a hat, but thats hardly a bad thing in this movie.

You can check my review here: Thor Ragnarok Movie Review 

4. Wonder Woman

For years fans of DC and Wonder Woman has asked for a live action movies since the 80's and they finally got what they want. This movie is good in so many levels from its back story, its visuals and its action.  The only down side being having a strong villain build up that doesnt really deliver in the third act.

3. Spider-man Homecoming

The third reboot in the Spider man movie franchise Spiderman Homecoming could be argued as one of the best Spider man version yet. It was both quirky and funny. It does borrow elements from other movies but does its own thing that it feels refreshing. This movie does change the back story and characters a bit that hardcore fans need a bit of getting used to.

2. Coco

The most family friendly and heartwarming, funny adventurous story that came out this year. This almost made my number one list this year due to its awesome mix of comedy, adventure and drama. This movie also boast an plot twist worthy of a detective novel, something rare for movies of this variety. If this movie didnt give you the feels after watching it than your probably really dead inside.

Check my review of the movie here: Coco Movie Review

1. Starwars the Last Jedi

No such movie has created so much hype and divided fans at the same time. Its showed the Force in new exciting ways and has probably one of the best lightsaber battle in the franchise. Its plot isnt perfect surely and some parts could easily be omitted, yet despite these the cons this movie broke a lot of expectations and opened up a lot of possibilities for a thirty plus years of franchise that is mostly about the Skywalkers that I feel the franchise really needed. 

Check out my movie review here: Starwars the Last Jedi Movie Review

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