Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Geekatana Game Review: Star Ocean Till the End of Time

Star Ocean Till the End of Time isn't the first Star Ocean game since I did play a good part of Star Ocean 2 for the PS1. It's probably because of the Star Ocean 2 is why I picked Star Ocean Till the End of Time for the PS2 when it was released for the PS2 way back in 2004.

I first played this on Easy mode back then since I'm more used to turn based JRPG than the more frantic action RPG that most Star Ocean games are. I did play this game recently on Normal mode prior to writing this review to get a better feel of the differences in gameplay of both the Modes.

Star Ocean Till the End of Time is the third Star Ocean game and is the first one to be released for the PS2 back in 2004. Taking place 400 years after the events of Star Ocean: Second Story, Star Ocean Till the End of Time is the story of Fayt who is hunted by both Federation and alien rebel factions. On the run he meets up with friends and foes alike. Together he and his friends holds the keys to stopping a threat beyond their universe.

The plot of Star Ocean Till the End of time isn't new in fact it does mirrors Tales of Symphonia to some extent. In fact the major plot twist of the game when you reach Disk 2 reminds me so much of the movie the Last Action Hero. You will know what I mean when you get to that part.

Is the game bad? Nope. Far from it although it does not have the best Star Ocean plot in the series its clearly not the worst in fact the narrative is pretty solid until that big twist near the beginning of Disk 2 where the story and character development slows down a bit. Not to be picky but I expected more of a bigger reaction from the characters after that reveal specially after all the enemies and hardship they all went through.

The gameplay of Star Ocean Till the End of Time is as solid as ever and perhaps even a lot better than Second Story. Being an action RPG gameplay revolves running around a huge map where you can gang up, flank your enemies all in real time. Coming from a person who players turn based RPG this takes a while of getting used to but it's really fun when you get the basic controls down. I've seen videos of players taking down enemies with zero damage just by playing footsies.

There's even a difficulty setting before you start of the game. If your new to Star Ocean I'd suggest picking the Easy Mode but if you want to get the full game experience start with the normal since you unlock more stuff like new outfits for each of the characters via Trophy collection. be warned though normal has less experience and the enemies are a bit tougher.

The graphics is yet another one of the games strong points. The game was made back in 2004 and its still as beautiful and impressive compared to the games of today. if you have a PS4 you can pick up the remastered version for that console which has a more solid graphics than the PS2 ones.

The character in Star Ocean Till the End of Time are well designed. Fayt being this sword and magic wielding character, Cliff Fitter being this bruiser melee type that always have this knuckle fist all the time. Nel being this female ninja. Each character outfit reflect their class type and your gameplay changes depending on which character you use since there are 8 characters you can choose from depending on how your story goes.

The only downside to the characters is that you can only bring a maximum of 3 characters during a fight and those that you don't use don't level up unless you use them in the game so its tedious if you want to max all of the character levels. Also the invention and crafting aspect of the game where you get most of the best weapon, items and upgrades are a grind to do even if you follow a walkthrough guide.

This game also features a game plus mode once you finish the game which unlocks an infinity dungeon where you fight secret bosses and get even better items and weapons. In fact the best armor in the game is only attainable in defeating one of these said secret bosses. So if you're a completionist or wants more additional content for their game then the New game + is for you. Also this game has 19 different endings depending on how you play the game.

The music of the game is awesome and has this rock techno feel to it that compliments each of the setting and fights perfectly. There's even a rock song put in there for good measure. The best way to describe the music used in the game is that it so much reminds me of the Gundam series. Also this is probably the last Enix game before Squaresoft took over the company.

Here's an example of how the Star OCean Till the End of Time gameplay looks like:

Also the mixture of CG scenes and in game cutscenes is nice. Also the voice acting is pretty decent for the most part specially the voices of all the main characters. if only some of the side characters voices were a bit better. Also the mouthc don't sync with the sound but thats a minor complain on how well the rest of the game turned out.

Overall the Star Ocean Till the End of Time is a pretty solid game despite of its so, so narrative. It's not the best RPG in the market but to some its one of the best JRPG for the PS2 console that is not a Final Fantasy title. if you like action RPG and want to try something different than this game is for you. Definitely a must try for any fan of JRPG.

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