Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Geekatana Top 10: Game of Thrones Characters

I was planning to do this list right around the start of Season 8 but was kept being put off due to schedule and other stuff but I guess better late than never. This list is by no means definitive and is mostly folks that I think made the show Game of Thrones what it is today. This is a mix list of good and bad character of the show that pretty much made the backbone of what made the show what it is.

Sadly with the show being so long and having a ton of great characters I'm pretty sure a lot of your favorites won't make this list on one reason or another it's simply that good of a series. Again if by some chance you haven't watched the show yet you might want to turn away cause there will be spoilers. You have been warned.

I know these sort of a list has been done hundred of times over but still I like to have a crack at it. It sounds like a fun Top 10 list to make. And I hope you have fun reading this list as I was in making it. So with that said and done lets get started.

10 Walder Frey

First up on the list would be the Lord of the Crossing. Portrayed by David Bradley this old geezer got on the list for the events of the Red Wedding. Sure Game of Thrones has its plenty share of murder and betrayal but when you order the death of who knows how many people including children and even pregnant women in an episode that made even fans cringe you earn a special place on any list even if for a bad way.

9 Brienne of Tarth

An outcast, a knight and a warrior in her own right Brienne has done stuff very few woman can boast at. Postrayed by Gwendoline Christies Brienne honor and sense of chivalry has had her facing off and won against foes where most men cower and run.

8 Petyr Baelish

Scheming, a liar, a backstabber and a power climber Peter "littlefinger" Baelish is responsible for the chaos that swooped the Stark house that send chaotic ripples throughout the Seven Kingdoms. Played by Aiden Gillen he is evilly intelligent and plants intrigue to let his enemies kill each other while he watches the chaos and collect the spoils later.

7 Joffrey Baratheon    

Cruel, sadistic and an overall bastard who enjoys forcing people to fight and die for him. Simply put Joffrey is pretty much an example of televisions "people you like to hate" He has ordered babies killed, beats up Sansa, had Ned killed among others. As the say a good show is only as good as its villain and Jeck Gleeson portrayal shows how far a good villain television can get. Every time he was on scene we love him and we hate him.

6 Sansa Stark

The eldest of the Stark siblings Sansa has faced things that would easily scar a lot of women. But her political wit and emotional strength helped her surpass them all. She is a woman that lost a lot but gained as much in the process. She is played by Sophie Turner in the show, Sansa started out as a naive young lady but slowly matures and is a serious player in the game of Kings and thrones.

5 Arya Stark

Who would have thought that this tomboyish girl would turn out to be the wild card assassin of the series. Maisei Williams characters journey to avenge his family and honor is complex. Arya proved that a great sword is nothing without the right skills to wield it. She is extremely cunning and resourceful and as the series went has become more ruthless. Yet despite it all Arya has kept her head level and doesn't kill unless she deems it necessary and we love her for it.

4 Cersei Lannister

A cruel and heartless women Cersei will do anything in her power to win and has proven it time and time again. She battles for a throne in a world created by men and ruled by men. often her schemes don't work out for her yet she still threads forward with a cold heart and even colder determination. Portrayed by Lena Headay in the series, Cersei climb to power is littered in blood both of her allies and her enemies earning her a top spot on the most hated antagonist of the show.

3 Jon Snow

Starting out a sullen teenager and often clad in black Jon Snow is an outcast of the Stark family yet his heritage being a secret son of a Targeryen prince makes him both
as King and a blood of a dragon. Played by Kit Harington, the charming Jon has faced off nearly everything from white walkers to invading wildlings. His bravery and stubbornness however often than not lands him into trouble. Strap that all with a destiny he doesn't need or want.

2 Daenerys Targaryen

When folks talk of game of Thrones one of the first thing that fans think about is Daenerys. Played by an unknown actress Emilia Clarke she landed in many hearts of the series with her excellent portrayal of the mother of dragons who's series long journey sees her from a timid scared young girl into a woman with an army and dragons to take the iron Throne for her own. This alone almost made her number one on this list mind you.

1 Tyrian Lannister

Tyrian royal lineage often lands him a front row seat of every political intrigue in the Seven Kingdom gets caught in which is bad considering he barely has any sword skill to defend himself. Cause of his size enemies ignores him enough not to kill him outright. He has arguable some of the best scenes and lines in the series. Tyrians knows how to play the game and plays it well. While characters like Danny and Jon are still getting their acting chops and character motivations, Tyrian is already has us in awe all thanks to Peter Dinklage excellent performance cementing his place as number 1 on this list. 

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