Saturday, December 30, 2017

My Top 10 Otaku Geek Recap of 2017

2017 is nearly over so lets wrap things up with Top 10 Things and Stuff that happened this year. Stuff that made a mark on geeks and otaku alike. Mind you this is my Top ten and you folks do not need to agree with me on all that is listed here. These are just Top 10 rehap on geek and otaku stuff that made an impact on me within this year. Im sure a lot of you folks have your own Top 10 of your own.

This year has a lot of ups and downs for a lot of folks but thankfully there are more ups than there are the down parts. One of the up parts for me is this is the year this Blog got started for one thing. Anyways lets get this Top 10 thingie started.

10. Comic Title got made into Live Action

A lot of great geek show came out this year like the Gifted which is an X-men inspired tv series from Fox Tv, or Legion from FX and also the much awaited live action Punisher series from Netflix. Lets not forget Riverdale which is a tv series based on the comic book Archie. Theres even a new Startrek series entitled Startrek Discovery for the trekkie in everyone that was also released this year.

9. Anime franchise got made into Video Games

A lot of anime had made it into games in 2017. These games include another Xenoblade Chronicles game, a second Gravity Rush game, Blue Harmony to name some. And the award winning game Persona 5 was internationally released this year as well.

8. Nostalgic Games Made a Comeback

Link from the franchise Legend of Zelda makes a comeback with Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild, a which boast an open world environment. Also for 2017 we saw the nostalgic return of our favorite plumber this time with a magical hat in Super Mario Odyssey. It boast a ton of collectables that promised to keep Mario fans occupied.

7. Disney Bought the Rights to Fox Studios

Disney buys 21th Century Fox this year. This means titles that are previously under Fox Studios like X-Men, Deadpool and Fantastic Four is now under Disney and since Disney also owns Marvel fans will probably get the Avengers versus X-Men movie they wanted and more. Thankfully they also confirmed that the R rated stuff like Deadpool will remain as it is.

6. Spider Man got a third Reboot with Spider man Homecoming

This year we got the third reboot of the Spider franchise since Tobey and Garfield version. They did change things up a bit in regards to the side characters on this third version for the films. Some say this is probably the best Spider man movie version yet. Still character changes aside Spider man is as friendly neighborhood-ish as he usually is...maybe better.

5. Justice League Movie came Out

Fans been wanted this one for years and they finally got it. A DC Superhero movie to match up with Marvels side of the spectrum. It has its misses and certain loopholes in terms of storyline and pacing and suffered due to a change of film directors but its still a fun movie to watch and one of the most talked about movies this year.

4. We Got Dark Nights Metal and Secret Empires

Why does Batman not kill the Joker? What will happen if Captain America turns evil? We get a glimpse of those answer this year with the comic release of Dark Nights Metal Series a DC Universe spanning storyline event. On to Marvel side we get to see Captain America turning evil as the Red Skull tries to get him to switch sides.

3. Neir Automata was finally released

Epic sword slashing female character? Check. Deep philosophical storyline? Check. Neir Automata to say the least took everyone by surprise in terms of games. Who knew that a game sequel to the Drakengard franchise, a game for the PS2 would be this good. A rare game that mixes a shooter game bullet hell dodging mechanics with hack and slash Devil May Cry gameplay.

2. Resident Evil Made a Come Back with Resident Evil 7 

Resident Evil is back to its roots in 2017 with Resident Evil 7. Finally itching the 3D polygonal survival horror view of the original to first person view. Those who folow the franchise that it had a lot of hit and misses in terms with the five games that followed the original going survival horror into a conventional shooter game. Thankfully Resident Evil 7 finally managed to put the survival horror feel it was so famous for and fans and critics love it.

1. Starwars the Last Jedi was shown in theaters

Starwars the last Jedi was released later this year and there had been never been a movie that has divided fans over the franchise since the prequels. The movie shattered a lot of expectations and threw a lot of the fan theories and what we know about the Force and the mythos out the window. Its clearly not a perfect movie but love it or hate it the bold new direction this movie is going opens up a lot of new possibilities for the franchise.

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